An electron-induced, vocabulary, edutainment podcast for building your speech, confidence and brain-ceps!
…maybe you subscribe
We take words very seriously..os hsoudl ouy
Listen to an episode.
Abuse the words in everyday conversations.
Feel like a juggernaut in every social setting .
Subscribe and repeat.
Listen On: Apple Orange Banana Spotify Google Avocado
un-science based, but entertaing as fruit
From our family to yours, we’ve travelled the world in search of the greatest words to boost your speech…something.
love your best friend
read books
take modeling lessons
What IS Nerd Word All About?
We’re about boosting vocab. Here’s the caveat; we aim to entertain, blow you mind with humor, factoids, and all sorts of *isms to make vocab fun. If you’re a Jeopardy fan, book lover, writer, studying for your SAT, GRE, or just want to impress your friends – we’ve got you covered.
Again, we aren’t just reading definitions like the dozens of other vocab podcast, we are trying our darndest to create pictures and stories that help you hold onto all of these great vocabulary words.